Veterinary Marketing Tips

Why Team-Based Learning Is a Win for Veterinary Teams (And For You)3 min read

, Veterinary Marketing Specialist June 2, 2023 2 min read

Why Team-Based Learning Is a Win for Veterinary Teams (And For You)3 min read

Reading Time: 2 minutes

More than any other industry, veterinary medicine requires team-based learning. Since patients can’t tell us what’s going on, pet owners are the gatekeepers to care. This dynamic creates the need for teamwork right from the start. In addition, there are team members in the clinic (not only the clinician) to consider in your educational marketing. So, here’s a quick run-down of the team players and how to optimize your marketing to give each one what they need.

Who’s on the care team?

Meet the key stakeholders and their areas of care:

  • The Pet Owner: Pet owners are the key decision makers in the care process. They’re in charge of compliance with treatment recommendations as well. Consider supporting the team with pet owner handouts, scripts, and other educational tools to add value and ease to the conversations with pet owners.
  • Client Service Representative (CSR): Veterinary CSRs have a very important role on the care team. They spend a lot of time interfacing with pet owners. They are often the first point of contact with the pet owner, directing their questions, providing empathy, and making sure they are provided appropriate handouts and materials.
  • Veterinary Technician/Nurse/Assistant: The veterinary technician supports the veterinarian. They manage the collection of patient history and client communication. They may also perform certain diagnostics and treatments.
  • Veterinarian: They’re the “quarterback” of the patient care team, creating the diagnostic and treatment plan for patients.
  • Practice Manager/Owner: The practice manager (or owner) ensures the business side of the clinic runs smoothly. Often, they’ll manage the ongoing staff training and communication as well.

Did you know that most veterinary teams engage all members in the decision-making process when considering new equipment or services?

Veterinary teams are close-knit. Their collaborative nature starts with bringing on new treatments and services and continues through implementation. They also spend significant time finding new ways to help patients and educate clients. (Hint: They’re looking for education. You just need to provide it.)

Consider team-based learning in your educational strategy

Industry marketers are increasingly educating pet owners via the veterinarian because it makes sense and doesn’t cost a fortune. Since pet owners are the primary decision-makers, they need to be included and educated during each stage of their pet’s care journey.

Related Content: Looking for creative ideas to educate pet owners? Here are 6 Ways to Market to Pet Owners via the Veterinarian.

When you’re creating educational materials, remember to provide coaching tips for the CSR and technician support staff. They often spend more time with the pet owner than the veterinarian and are critical touchpoints for pet owner education.

A new approach to team-based learning

With at least 5 people involved in a plan of care, team education is critical. Whether you’re introducing a new procedure, technique, medication, or service, getting the entire team on the same page is essential.

The Clinical Suite content program, created by Clinician’s Brief, is a powerful solution for doing just that. It gives veterinary teams a roadmap for addressing clinical challenges around a specific topic. The Clinical Suite provides an in-depth analysis of a condition or topic and delivers instructions and downloadable information to each member of the care team. The Clinical Suite showcases the real-world value of a team-based approach to education, communication, and effective treatment protocols.

Ready to start your own team-based educational suite?

Contact the Brief Media team to begin building your own Clinical Suite content program.

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