Veterinary Marketing Tips

10 Reasons Why Your Brand Needs a Blog3 min read

, Veterinary Marketing Specialist August 27, 2020 2 min read

10 Reasons Why Your Brand Needs a Blog3 min read

Reading Time: 2 minutes

A blog about blogs feels a bit like content inception, but we’re going to do it! In this post, we’ll take a look at 10 reasons to implement a blog for your brand.

1. SEO

Fresh, keyword-rich content is great for search engine optimization (SEO). Blogs are an easy way to keep your website content up-to-date and relevant to your potential customer’s search queries. Make sure you’ve got your keyword strategy in place before you begin blogging to make the most of your efforts.

2. Thought Leadership

Self-publishing articles through your website platform at a regular cadence can help your brand establish thought leadership and brand authority. Consider implementing a LinkedIn strategy to encourage your employees to share your blog posts and create market awareness. Be sure to track the response on LinkedIn and engage with any social shares and comments.

3. Content for Social & Email

Blogs provide ideal content for sharing on social media channels. They can also serve as appropriate content to include in monthly email newsletters. Plus, if you routinely send cold-call style sales emails, sharing valuable content can be a great way to touch base and stay top of mind without directly asking for a sale.

4. Build Your Database

Blogs with high-value content can effectively convert new contacts into your database. If you’re publishing relevant information at a regular cadence, prospects will opt-in to receive notifications about new content.

5. Drive Web Traffic

Fresh content drives website traffic. If you never post anything new or exciting, why would people come to your website? The addition of a blog can both drive more organic traffic from search and drive more direct traffic from those who follow your content.

6. Uncover Audience Insights

Leverage analytics to determine which topics are most popular. This can help you with sales messaging and future content development. Keep an eye on pageviews, email clicks, and time on site for individual articles, especially.

7. Up Your Game

When you start publishing a blog, you will organically up your knowledge game. You’ll create the best blog posts when you’re thoughtfully plugged into your audience and creating valuable, relevant content for them. Plus, writing blog posts is largely about research. You don’t have to start a blog as an expert—you’ll get there along the way.

8. Strategic Partner Engagement

A blog can present an opportunity to engage with a strategic partner. You can invite your partner to contribute content or be interviewed on a synergistic topics. You can share leads with your partner and cross-promote each other across distribution networks. This is a great way to build backlinks and improve your SEO.

9. Support Campaigns & Attract Leads

When you create a marketing campaign, consider content generation as part of your strategy to fuel your lead funnel. Create blog posts that support your campaign and include call-to-actions to convert readers into leads.

10. The Long Play

Content should be part of your long-term strategy. You won’t see the benefits of a blog overnight. However, brands that engage will be rewarded with more web traffic, higher audience engagement, and more overall industry authority.

Building a blog isn’t a short-term project. But if you set it up right and stay focused on quality and relevance, you’ll see long-term rewards for your marketing and sales goals.

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